Exporting as Test Specification

You can export test suite(s) in a human-readable report, e.g. to share it with colleges, who have no experience with Puppetry.

Press Ctrl+Shift-E (⌘⇧E) or click on File/Export Project as... menu item:

Export Project modal window shows up.

Select format "test specification"

Now you just need to select a destination folder for the report and click Export button. You will have a text report like this:

Demo Project
environment: test

template variables:
   SANDBOX_BASEURL = https://puppetry.app/demo/

   filename: todomvc.json
   timeout: 50000
      FIRSTNAME_INPUT = #fname
      LASTNAME_INPUT = #lname
      MESSAGE_INPUT = #comment
      CONSENT_CHECKBOX = #consent
      OPTION_RADIO_1 = #option1
      ATTACHMENT_FILE = #attachment
      FORM = #form
      SUBMIT_BTN = #submit
      HEADER =  .todoapp .header
      NEWTODO_INPUT =  .todoapp .header input.new-todo
      MAIN = .todoapp > div > .main

   1. describe: Functionality

      1.1. test: No todos
         1.1.1. Set browser viewport as "1920x1080", "x1"
         1.1.2. Visit "http://todomvc.com/examples/react/#/"
         1.1.3. Wait until target "HEADER" appears on the page with timeout "30000ms"
            ▷ Give React.js time to build the app
         1.1.4. Assert that target "HEADER" is "available" and "visible"
         1.1.5. Assert that target "MAIN" is "NOT available"
         1.1.6. Assert that target "FOOTER" is "NOT available"

Report Screenshots

You can extend the report with the automatically generated screenshots per every test step. Just check on the "run tests and generate step screenshots" option in the "Export project" moda window:

When exporting is done, you are going to find in the given destination folder screenshots named after the test steps indices:

If you open a screenshot corresponding a target command or assertion you will see the acting targert highlighted:

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