Example with Mailinator

Similar to Restmail.net we need user name alias to use with the REST API. so we modify the first steps in the case case as follows:

Following Mailinator API we need to set URL for page.assignVarRemotely:

https://api.mailinator.com/api/inbox?token={{ env( "EID_SECRET" ) }}&to={{ TEST_USER_ALIAS }}

However Mailinator unlike Restmail.net doesn't allow to receive last message content with a single request. So we need to take advantage of optional request function command parameter:

So we alternate the default fetch logic of page.assignVarRemotely as follows:

async ( url ) => {
   const inbox = await ( await fetch( url ) ).json(),
         msgHead = inbox.messages
           .find( msg => msg.subject.includes( "Account Validation" ) ),
         fulMsg = await ( await fetch( `https://api.mailinator.com/api/message?token=YourAPIToken&id=${ msgHead.id }` ) ).json();
  return fulMsg.data.parts.map( p => p.body ).join();

Thus the command will read the listing and find a message with subject containing "Account Validation" string. Then it retrieves and returns the raw body of the matching mail. So the parse function may look like:

( text ) => {
    const re = /(http\:[^\"]+4567\/con[^\"]+)/g,
              res = text.match( re );
    return res ? res[ 0 ].replace( "=\r\n", "" ) : null;

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