Running tests
When we are ready with our test suite we can run the tests. Click on Run.. item in the main menu (or press F6).
You get Run reports modal window
By default Puppetry runs tests in headless mode, meaning it launches Chromium in background. You can make to run the tests in Chrome browser with Run in browser switch:
This opens an input for Chromium command line options
The modal window also allows you to select a target environment:
Finally we can select which suites we are going to run
After pressing Run button Puppetry opens panel Test report with test results. When test ran successfully we get a page like that:
If we click on Open directory with generated screenshots link we can see generated folder named after the test case where we can find the screenshot:
However if test failed the page look as follows:
If the error message doesn't clarify the failure enough, you can click on Error details link:
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